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Stavropol State Agrarian University will help schoolchildren get their first profession!
A new stream of students of the regional program “The First Profession of a Schoolchild in the Stavropol Territory” is starting at the Center for Advanced Professional Training, located on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University, the participants of which will master their first specialties for free while still studying at the school.
SSAU professor spoke at a meeting on the agrochemical support of spring field work
In the center of the agrochemical service “Stavropolsky” under the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory, a meeting was held on the issue of agrochemical support for spring field work, early spring feeding of winter crops and the specifics of its implementation in 2023. The scientific expert of the meeting was the head of the Department of Soil Science named after professor V.I. Tyulpanov, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Valery Tskhovrebov.
Acting Rector of SSAU Vladimir Sitnikov spoke at the meeting of the Committee of the Regional Duma
A meeting on agrarian and land issues was held in the Duma of the Stavropol Territory. Vladimir Sitnikov reported on the implementation of the Agroinopolis-2030 program at Stavropol State Agrarian University.
SSAU students know how to make a comprehensive environmental assessment of the territory
In the Stavropol Territory branch of the Center for Laboratory Analysis and Technical Measurements, a lesson was held on the discipline “Comprehensive environmental assessment of the territory” for students of the direction “Ecology and nature management”.
Associate Professor of SSAU spoke at a meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Stavropol Territory
A meeting of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Territory was held on the territory of the Prikumskaya agrochemical service station of the Budyonnovsky urban district on the topic: “Agrochemical support for spring field work, early spring top dressing of winter crops and the features of its implementation in 2023 in the Stavropol Territory”. The event was attended by the head of the Department of Agro chemistry and Plant Physiology, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Evgeny Golosnoy.
Economics students of SSAU attended an event in the City Duma of Stavropol
Students of the Faculty of Economics of Stavropol State Agrarian University, specializing in “State and Municipal Management”, took part in the event “Corridors of Power” in the Stavropol City Duma.
SSAU Professor spoke at the international conference “Agrarian Science for Agriculture”
Head of the Department of Physiology, Surgery and Obstetrics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor Andrey Kvochko took part in the XVIII International Scientific and Practical Video Conference “Agrarian Science for Agriculture”, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Altai State Agrarian University.
Interdisciplinary conference "Agrarian science, creativity, growth" was held at SSAU
As part of the week of science at Stavropol State Agrarian University, a plenary session of the XII International Scientific and Practical Conference "Agricultural Science, Creativity, Growth" was held: Sustainable development of the agricultural economy based on digital technologies and smart innovations. The interdisciplinary conference was organized as part of the Agroinnopolis 2030 University Development Program.
SSAU hosted a round table on the development of rural areas
The Department of State and Municipal Administration and Law held a round table "Organizational and legal support for the development of rural areas."
Vladimir Sitnikov took part in the XXXIV Congress of AKKOR
A working meeting of the participants of the XXXIV Congress of the Association of Peasant (Farm) Enterprises and Agricultural Cooperatives of Russia with the leadership of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, Rosselkhozbank JSC, Rosagroleasing JSC was held in Moscow.
SSAU students were trained to operate agricultural drones
Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the first Aviatech unmanned aerial vehicle control university championship.
SSAU professor took part in an international conference at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Accounting, Professor Elena Kostyukova became a participant in the international scientific and methodological conference "Education Foresight: Revival of Traditions vs Declared Innovation". The event took place at the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation.
SSAU hosted the All-Russian conference on technological processes in the agro-industrial complex and industry
In honor of the Day of Russian Science, the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference "Modern Research as a Response to the Challenges of the New Time" was held at the Faculty of Electrical Power Engineering. The event was dedicated to scientifically based solutions to applied problems and problems in various technological processes in the agro-industrial complex and industry.
SSAU students learned about the mechanisms for creating a comfortable environment for foreign tourists
Within the framework of the week of science at the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism, a round table "Friendly Programs in Tourism and Hospitality" was held. During the event, students learned how to create a comfortable environment for tourists from China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region to stay in Russia.
SSAU freshmen learned how to write a research article
At the Department of Foreign Languages, a scientific and methodological seminar "Fundamentals of presenting research results" was held as part of the week of science at Stavropol State Agrarian University.
On the Day of Russian Science young scientists of SSAU were welcomed with awards
On the day of Russian science — a holiday of academicians, scientists, professors and students — those who see their life in science were honored at Stavropol State Agrarian University. The university hosted a solemn award ceremony for young scientists.
SSAU students will receive scholarships from the company "Avgust"
Stavropol State Agrarian University students were rewarded with nominal scholarships by one of the strategic partners of the university - "Avgust" JSC.
SSAU students will be able to do an internship at the largest enterprise of the MOLVEST agricultural holding
Teachers and students of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and the Faculty of Biotechnology met with representatives of the agricultural enterprise "Novomarkovskoye" - the largest enterprise in the agricultural holding "MOLVEST".
Scientists of Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in international forum for rural areas development
The Boiling Point of Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted the international forum "Modern Challenges of Rural Development: Social, Economic, Organizational and Legal Aspects". University scientists made presentations on the problems of agricultural territories of the region.
Works of Stavropol State Agrarian University scientists evoked a response at the world level again
Scientists of Stavropol Agrarian University studied the productivity of winter wheat in the Central Ciscaucasia. The scientific study was included in the 1st quartile of the Web of Science journal and the 2nd quartile of the Scopus journal.

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